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Serving the Investor Community for over 40 Years


You are responsible for the success or failure of your retirement account. Information and knowledge are the driving forces that maximize success and minimize failure. WASI can help you gain the advantages that you need. We specialize in helping you gain the expertise needed to establish the correct type of account, select the proper investment strategy for your early and later working years, plus guide you through the complex rules and regulations that come into play during retirement.

WASI's representatives are creative problem solvers when it comes to individual and family finances. WASI understands investment risk and risk tolerance. That allows us to translate your circumstances into appropriate investment recommendations. Your account will be monitored by your individual Investment Advisor. Changes in the investment markets or the regulatory structure, are provided to you on a regular basis.

WASI is a fee based investment advisory firm and uses no-load mutual funds and ETFs. WASI takes a proactive approach to investment recommendations rather than one that is reactive. This allows you to invest in the future, not depend on performance of the past that might not continue.

If you are a non-profit, we can help you establish your plan and assist each employee in creating an account that fits their needs. If you're an individual, we can help you evaluate your current program, including old dormant accounts, and bring everything up to current standards. 

WASI is located in Mill Valley, CA. Call us at 800-227-9977, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and we'll help you get started. A real person will answer and ask how they can help you (no phone tree here).



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Ready to take the next step? Contact us for a free one hour portfolio evaluation.

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